Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Let's keep it moving.

I am glad to get support from our new member, Gary from Virginia. He is eager to help with the promotion of the LGBF. We also have a member named Dale from Canada in his promoting this business offline, through mailings. It is good to have some support to keep this business going and it is important that we all do our part to keep promoting and getting new members. I will continue to post in this blog regularly and remember to email me at lgbf@mefadon.com for any questions that you may have.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The new email address.

Greetings all.

Mark here. I got an email address setup for the LGBF. It is lgbf@mefadon.com I will be answering all questions about this amazing gifting program. I will continue to post in this blog regularly and give you all the updates.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Members.

Greetings all.

I am pleased to welcome new members into the LGBF. Gary from Virginia. I am committed to making this program a success and Gary is also committed to making this a success as well. I will be posting new members that I sponsor online, or from the efforts of online growth. I will be posting to this blog on a regular basis. I will be posting the stats for the month every month and any new changes. Let's all commit to at least one person a month. I will try to recruit many more than this, but I will make sure that I will invite at least one person. The LGBF has an offline promotion and I am doing the online promotion of the program. We will be in this for the long term and we will make this successful and profitable for everyone.